About Chelsea
What are you doing now? I’m the Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs at Livestock Marketing Association. In this role, I represent the interest of livestock market owners across the United States in federal policy and regulatory issues as well as other industry matters.
How did the W.D. Farr Scholarship help you achieve your goals? Receiving the W.D. Farr Scholarship is a great honor that gave me a significant leg up in my academic career. It allowed me to focus on my law school coursework and beef industry interests, as opposed to worrying about taking on additional debt or a workload that could have diverted attention away from my studies. This investment in my academic and agriculture activities prepared me to advocate for the beef industry professionally. Receiving this scholarship also helped solidify my belief that the beef community is one that cares about others and invests in them for the betterment of the industry as a whole.
What advice do you have for students to be successful? Work hard, follow your passions, and make positive connections with people along the way.
What do you think was W.D. Farr's most important trait? Vision. W.D. was a true visionary from being at the forefront of the cattle feeding industry to seeing water as an important issue for our industry and community to address. Today, this visionary nature lives on in a scholarship program in his name investing in future beef industry leaders.